
It's already week four...

It's true what they say: 'Time flies when you're having fun'.... man. I'm already in week 4 of my journey through Animation Mentor. So far I've learned basics; the 12 principles, timing, and planning. The lectures are so wonderful and inspiring. To hear all sorts of animators from the biggest studios talking so passionately about what they do, animation. Carlos Baena, Bobby 'Boom' Beck and Shawn Kelly are the founders of the school, and in my opinion are considered the '3 Young Men', these guys are truly amazing animators of our time.

The school itself is the epitome of 21st century school. It's very technical, web cams, forums, uploading, downloading, chat rooms, eCritiques, software/hardware support... amazing. You can check it out at www.animationmentor.com. Anyway, that's enough for today, I'll go more into my life and about the school next time..... 'til then.

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